Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Good Walk Spoiled - Farmers Challenge

Period 2 - Crossfit Challenge Maximum

# of rounds completed in 10 minutes of:

5 Dumbbell Push Press (Guys 20 lbs, Girls 10 lbs)

5 Burpees

1 Farmers Walk to the far end of the gym, with one dumbbell in each hand. REPEAT and score 1 at the end of each walk.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Health - MId Semester Reflection

Showed class couch to 5km run program. Mid-Semester Reflection In your journals, reflect on the folllowing for the first half of the semester: - daily effort - clothes, punctuality, intensity level - goals and progress towards your goals - perhaps tweaking your goals up/down - likes, dislikes, wishlist - areas that have improved - sleep - daily journaling - evaluate your own efforts Marathon Challenge Documentary & Questions (first third)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

5 km run training

Ran 3.5 km Hilliard - Path - Cumberland-Royal Drive - Marina - Hilliard Couch to 5 Km Running Program

Monday, April 11, 2011

Extra Fitness Tests

Completing extra midterm fitness tests today.
Wall Sit
Plank Test
Medicine Ball Throw
Bench Press
Stork Stand
Skin Calipers/Body Composition
Girth Measurements
SEMO Agility Test