Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Health Nov 18

Assigned dates for Exercise Assignment

Read articles and responded - submitted first two - 3rd due next week.

Fitness more important than obesity in preventing Heart Disease

How much sleep do I need?

Resistance Training


First CrossFit Fitness Challenge - Wallball with medicine ball - timed 150 with good technique

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mid Term Fitness Testing

2 km run around the track and then started midterm fitnesss assessment today.

Wednesday - Health - Weight Exercises due

Thursday - Yoga - bring in your money if you haven't paid

Friday - complete fitness testing

Monday, November 9, 2009

Half Marathon Training Programs

For those considering the Gatorade Half Marathon on Feb. 28th, 2010

see the 3 Month Half Marathon Training Programs - beginners, intermediate and advanced

NOTE: these are in miles so you multiply by 1.6 to get KM distance for your training runs

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Peterborough YMCA Half Marathon and 5 Km Runs

Registration is now open for the Peterborough YMCA Half Marathon and 5 km Runs.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Warkworth 8 Miler Completed!!

Awesome showing today by everyone at the Warkworth Bridge Hospice Runs!!

It was a cold, crisp morning, and a collection of shorts, track pants, Touques, mitts, earmuffs and pride helped this group combat the temperature, hills and rocky terrain.

A great big congratulations to the following running machines:






Maddie D
Mikaela (with inured ribs)



Brett - 2nd run



Thanks also goes out to the parent drivers!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oct. 15 2009

Today we played volley-ball in personal fitness. I hope we can play more volley-ball becasue I plan on trying out for senior team fingers crossed. I also had a quick run after school for the cross country team, which has made me really sore. Not what i wanted before a meet tommorow.

Fitness Goals

1. To gain 3cm on my vertical jump.
- I want to improve my spiking for volleyball and adding height to my vertical jump is the way to do that.
- I am planning on doing mostly leg workouts when we go to the lair. That is how I plan to achieve my goal.

2. To be able to get to 55 on the beep test.
- I want to improve my cardiovascular endurance for my dancing.
- I am planning on trying my best in whatever runs we do to achieve this.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fitness Goals due Friday October 16th

Due on blog or hard copy to Mr Scholey

Warkworth Run Saturday October 17th

Register at runnerslife at 174 Charlotte Street - Runs start at 9 am Saturday morning. You can choose the 5km or 13 km.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Run for the Cure Sunday October 4th

Cool and Cloudy today but great weather for our first 5 km run. Congratulations to Sam, Brett, Jamie, Zoe and Jenna who all completed this run with flying colours.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Health Sept 30

Discussed Run for the Cure on Sunday Oct. 4th

Please return permission forms and money for self defence, wall climbing, and yoga

Looked at Fitness Test Results and NOTE on Goal Setting

Assignment for next Wednesday - setting two fitness goals following the action plan from your notes.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Today i ran at the trinty college cross country meet of 2009.
The trinity race is known as one of the toughest courses in Ontario, for its monsterous hill, at the end of each race, known as mount trinity.
Out of 300 senior girls, i came 16 in the senior girls 5km. I was satisfied with my time which was 19.18, but i am going to try to cut that time by 18 seconds by COSSA.
This race pretty much finished me off completely, and made me ask myself, why in hell do i do this to myself. I think i really need to work on my core work to improve my time, which i will do this week.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sept 22

today i did some weights in the lair, in the class, along with some rowing strides, but i tried to save my energie for my 5km race tommorow. My goal for tommorow is around 20 minutes, and under 20 when placing.

Monday, September 21, 2009

sept 21

today i went for a 4km jog along the hilliard street bike path.
The run took me about twenty minutes, and overall didnt really challenge me like the weights do in the lair.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weekly Blog September 14 - 18 ?

Our whole class had to participate in a 10/1 run for a period. I thought this run was not that bad but you get very tired at the end. This run made my legs a little sore the next day.

The next day we worked out in the Lair. We had to fill out a chart of exercises and figure out our 1 rep maxes. This was great because it gave me a good workout on my whole body.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

September 14-18
This week we went for short runs on the Hillard bike path, and a second path along the otonobee river. These runs didnt really force me to puch my self that hard.
The weights on the other hand, which we did for the rest of the week, put alot of strain on my body, and made me push myself very hard.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

One Rep Max due tomorrow

One Rep Max Assignment is due Friday ie Tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Email me your Blog address

Remeber to email me your blog address so that I can read your blog.

My email address is

Monday, September 14, 2009

1 Rep Max Calculator

Input your weight and reps from your Fitness Max Out Handout into the calculator to
get an estimate of your 1 Rep Max

Friday, August 21, 2009

Instructions for your Training Blog

PAF 3O1 Personal Fitness Blog

Part of your evaluation will be regular reflection on your health and personal fitness throughout the semester. You will put your thoughts on paper by maintaining a personal fitness blog as you proceed through the semester. Only you and your teacher will be able to identify your posts as your own.

Your blog posts should include updates on your goals, the type of training you completed that day, nutrition and how you feel about your progress. It may also include questions or thoughts about the theory part of this course. You may update your blog daily with shorter posts or at the end of each week with a longer post. If your memory is poor, daily posts may be the way to go. Blog posts will be dated so that at the end of the semester, your teacher will be able to see how often you’ve posted.

Your blog will be submitted as part of your culminating task for this course.

In order to set your blog up, proceed to the following webpage and follow the instructions below:

Watch this screen recorded demonstration on How to Set Up a Blogger Account by DigitalDigs on YouTube.

Or follow the written instructions below:

• Open your web browser and go to:
• Click on 'Take a quick tour' and read about blogs.
• Time to create your own blog, click 'Create your blog'
• Enter your existing email address
• Enter your preferred password for Blogger
• Complete the rest of the page and REGISTER.
• Select a name for your blog.
• Select a template. Don’t worry to much about which one you use – you can change it later if you want.
• Your blog has been created, why not post something, click 'start posting', add a title and something about yourself in the message and hit 'Publish'
• Your blog has been published successfully, have a look by clicking 'View blog'.
• You now have your address to publish to the internet.
• Try a test message to make sure you are able to post to your blog

When you have your blog set up, click on the settings tab and then click permissions. Click “Add Authors” and invite to your blog. This will allow me to make comments/suggestions on your blog if necessary. You can decide at the bottom of the page what level of privacy you would like for you blog.

The course blog is listed below: I will be sending you an email invitation to this blog so that you can make use of class resources and post questions if necessary.